
Entidades denunciam riscos de criminalização de defensores a representantes da ONU

CPI que investigará FUNAI e INCRA poderá atingir atores importantes para o desenvolvimento de políticas indigenistas e fundiárias, alerta rede

A Plataforma de Direitos Humanos Dhesca Brasil e suas cerca de 40 afiliadas, além da Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (APIB), da Rede de Cooperação Amazônica (RCA) e do Iepé – Instituto de Pesquisa e Formação Indígena, assinaram nesta semana um documento enviado conjuntamente para diversos atores-chave das Nações Unidas.

A carta chama atenção para os potenciais efeitos negativos sobre as populações indígenas e sobre grupos de defensores de direitos humanos a partir da votação da CPI da Fundação FUNAI-INCRA, que terá seu relatório votado nesta quarta-feira (10).

A carta foi encaminhada para o relator especial da ONU para a proteção de Defensores de Direitos Humanos, Sr. Michel Forst; para o Representante Regional para a América do Sul do Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para os Direitos Humanos (ACNUDH), Sr. Amerigo Incalcaterra; e, para o Coordenador Residente das Nações Unidas no Brasil e representante residente do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento (PNUD), Sr. Niky Fabiancic.

Além disso, convoca os parceiros com incidência internacional a se manifestarem publicamente sobre o ataque à direitos promovidos no Congresso Nacional e no Brasil.

Confira o documento abaixo e a versão em PDF aqui > EMERGENCY CONTACT _Assault to Indigenous Human Rights in Brazil_Human Rights Platform Dhesca Brazil

EMERGENCY CONTACT | Assault to Indigenous Human Rights in Brazil

We thankfully address this message to the respectful United Nations partners to state the following time sensitive conflict in Brazil.

You must already have heard that the Brazilian National Congress investigation commission for the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) and the National Colonization and Agrarian Reform Institute (INCRA) (in Portuguese, “CPI da Funai e Incra”) has made public its final report and will vote it this Wednesday,  May 10th

As expected, it is a very partial and poorly constructed report (although will almost 4000 pages), attacking indigenous leaders, human rights organizations, NGOs, FUNAI, INCRA, the former representatives of Ministry of Justice from Dilma Rousseff mandate, the United Nations (UN) and to a certain extent also attacks the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, Mrs. VICTORIA LUCIA TAULI CORPUZ .

They concluded for the opening of criminal procedures against almost 100 individuals being 31 indigenous persons among which 7 leaders protected by the National Program of Protection of Human Rights Defenders. 

In addition to the arguing that the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) is an offense to the sovereignty of the country, misinforming the reader completely, it advocates for the denunciation of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (ILO, No. 169and affirms that the UN is not made of sovereign States but NGOs.

The report mentions VICTORIA LUCIA TAULI CORPUZ name several times. We state emember that they had approved a requirement to receive more information from Mrs. CORPUZ’s visit to Brazil , which was responded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (i never saw it). Now, this group of congressmen (openly against indigenous people’s rights) are insinuating that the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples visit has contributed to the increasing of conflicts in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul due to indigenous peoples taking over their lands, due to the following extract (pages 85 and 86):

The smallholder farmer CARLOS EDUARDO also reported that after the visit of VICTORIA LUCIA TAULI CORPUZ, indigenous of the Kankana-ey Igorot ethnic group (Philippines), current UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples, that aggressive and bullying activities has intensified.

“CARLOS EDUARDO: I think it’s an important thing – I think it was you who asked me about the NGO, if I was aware of the NGO – a fact that has to be reported in the Brazilian National Congress investigation commission (CPI), which I think is very important for the investigation is that, at the very beginning of the invasions, there was the visit of that international rapporteur, Mrs. Victoria Corpuz, and what we noticed is that, from the moment of that visit, they became much stronger in the invasions and agressions.

(…) She was in Dourados (Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul), in these invaded areas, exactly in the invaded areas of these owners here. (…) The UN rapporteur. (…)

No, nobody had contact, because she made the visit only for the Indigenous, understood? And from that moment, from the visit of this international rapporteur, I think it is a fact that has to be stated in this Investigation, the Indigenous have strengthened too much after this visit.

(…) I do not remember, but what I can say is that, from that moment and from this visit, the invasions have become stronger. So, this leads to the question he asked me, whether there are NGOs, maybe even international NGOs, involved in these invasions.

I think you have to report that, because it’s a very important fact. Those who witnessed the invasions from the outset know that I am speaking, are aware of this, that from the time of this international rapporteur’s visit, the invasions have been greatly strengthened here in the Municipality of Dourados “(DOCUMENT 07).

It is well known that in March/2016 the UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples – VICTORIA LUCIA TAULI CORPUZ visited and ministered lectures in the indigenous villages of the region of Dourados/MS.” [Our translation from the report]

The report goes even further to insinuate that in addition to partial, that the UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples Mrs. VICTORIA LUCIA TAULI CORPUZ visit would be helping individuals who are not indigenous (possible reference to leadership claims as it is in the context of her visit to Bahia). Federal Police in Bahia gives a statement saying that they have worked for the security in the mission but that they did not have information about who was traveling with her. Always trying to attack the credibility of her work.

Asked about the passage of the UN Rapporteur in the region, Dr. MÁRIO VINÍCIUS NEVES DE LIMA reported:

(Page 275-278) A UN team … asked for institutional support. And we escorted that UN team, around 2 months to 3 months. And they went to visit the indigenous leadership. I am not aware that the association of producers, small producers, has been heard at this visit. Not only the UN – and this is not the first time too – but also a human rights association presided over by a retired state judge from São Paulo – I do not remember the name of this association – has also come here, including in the eye of the hurricane.

What exists is the following: diverse representations that arrive in the region, as a rule, listen to indigenous leaders and only allow rural producers to express themselves when they are urged, often even in an embarrassing way, because the rural producers end up making true Bells in front of a forum, from the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office and, eventually, here, at the door of the police station, when these institutions are here. This creates a social imbalance (…) “. [Our translation from the report]

So, the individuals and organizations are busy with their own defense and with what is to come. Violence has increased greatly and the political changes have imposed a big effort from everyone every day. But this situation is VERY SERIOUS for many reasons that you with no doubt know, including the confirmation of criminalization of leaders by the State (legislative power with support of the current federal government). See a manifestation from the civil society “Brazilian National Congress investigation commission (CPI Funai-Incra) calls for condemnation of “false Indigenous”, anthropologists, entities and prosecutors of the Republic”:

We thank you for your attention and kindness.

The following organizations sign this letter:

  • Indigenous People Brazilian Articulation (APIB)
  • Indigenous Workforce Centre (CTI)
  • Missionary Indigenous Council (CIMI)
  • Amazon Cooperation Network (RCA)Iepé – Institute of Indigenous Research and Training
  • Human Rights Platform – Dhesca Brazil (more than 40 national and international human rights defenders organizations network)
    • ABRANDH – Brazilian Association of Nutrition and Human Rights
    • EDUCATIONAL ACTION – Advice, Research and Information
    • AGENDE – Actions on Gender, Citizenship and Development
    • AMB – Articulation of Brazilian Women
    • AMNB – Articulation of Brazilian Black Women’s Organizations
    • ANCED – National Association of Child and Adolescent Defense Centers
    • APOGLBT – Association of GLBT Pride Parade of São Paulo
    • CDVHS – Herbert de Souza Center for the Defense of Life
    • CEAP – Popular Education and Advisory Center
    • CENDHEC – Dom Helder Center for Studies and Social Action
    • CFÊMEA – Feminist Studies and Advisory Center
    • CIMI – Indian Missionary Center
    • CJP-SP – Justice and Peace Commission of São Paulo
    • Human Rights Commission of the Federal Council of Psychology (CFP)
    • Bahá’í Community
    • Conectas Human Rights
    • CONIC – National Council of Christian Churches
    • CPT – Pastoral Land Commission
    • CRIOLA – Organization of Black Women
    • Sun of the Earth AFROLGBT
    • Speak black – Organization of Black Women
    • National Phase – Federation of Social and Educational Assistance Bodies.
    • FIAN Brasil – Network for Information and Action for the Human Right to Food
    • GAJOP – Office of Legal Advice to Popular Organizations
    • GELEDÉS – Institute of the Black Woman
    • IBASE – Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analysis
    • IDDH – Institute for Development and Human Rights
    • INESC – Institute of Socioeconomic Studies
    • Pólis Institute – Institute for Studies, Training and Assistance in Social Policies
    • INTERVOZES – Collective Brazil of Social Communication
    • Global Justice
    • MAB – Movement of the Affected by Dams
    • MEB – Basic Education Movement
    • MMC – Peasant Women’s Movement
    • MNDH – National Human Rights Movement
    • MNMMR – National Movement of Boys and Girls Street
    • MST – Movement of Landless Rural Workers
    • Feminist Network on Health, Sexual and Reproductive Rights
    • Social Network for Justice and Human Rights
    • SDDH – Sociedade Paraense de Defensa da Direitos Humanos
    • SMDH – Sociedade Maranhense de Derechos Humanos
    • Land of Rights Human Rights Organization

Foto: Tiago Miotto/Cimi